
Dinner time dilation! Man I was cutting it even closer to the upload deadline than I did with my last entry. Finished, signed and uploaded in a frantic panic with 20 minutes to go. Now I can eat too.

Anyway this is my entry to the Devious Desktops - Space Out Challenge one of which the theme was just too good for me to miss out on though I waste a lot of time thinking about exactly what I could do that would stand out for the competition. Dozens of other artists I'm familiar with already nailed the "epic or beautiful" space themes that I knew I'd be looking forward to seeing over the course of this month (many of which have also swooped in to make the contest more fierce in the final hours) and it wasn't until much later in the challenge's running time that I thought I'd take a more illustrative and slightly cartoony route which I sometimes think is more suited to my style and my sometimes odd sense of humour, in hopes that'll it'll stand out as something original and unique, so I had to start up this one quickly once the idea entered my mind, and not do much else besides work, sleep and this to reach the finish line after a very delayed start. 
This one was entirely illustrated in Photoshop. Didn't have time to dick around with 3D modelling even though I'm sure that would have made it cooler but considering the restraints I had I'm still quite happy for it even if there might have been some things I'd have done differently if I had more time. Astronaut originally a free image from NASA but I matte-painted the hell out of that too (where most of the time was spent honestly, that unfortunate space man almost cost me a chance in the competition. Now he's black hole food.

from DeviantArt: Popular


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