Just Before Twilight


Original title was to be "Arguable Integration" but thought this one best reflected my present personal situation. I'll still be around and in the meantime work on some projects as far as it's possible. Won't be uploading much for a while as per my last Journal Not A Good Bye to DA But A HiatusMy profile says 14 years membership but in practice it's 5 years being active at most. Facts of life; too many things happened.
Point now is that our home is at stake for a mortgage of 35% when we payed in cash for 65% and we can't pay anymore as from April. As you may well know, vultures take it all. We have to make key decisions and don't know if by close to year's end we'll be living here or having to move to who knows where. Just can't be focused on the site and decently creating art in the meantime no matter how many ideas I may have...if I can remember progs.
Anyway, I'll keep on uploading works already done and some forthcoming...if my mind, which is elsewhere, still works :lol: Will disable comments again, sorry, and get into the fave and run stuff :sprint:. All faves will be very appreciated and please don't thank me for faving yours. Just want to enjoy what you friends are doing. Kind of absent but not that much :D
Thank you all both old and new friends for the good times dur

Best viewed at full download size and thanks for your support which means a lot! :sun:



from DeviantArt: Popular https://ift.tt/3aAay1N


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