Monsters: Feral Vampire

Since i did a Werwolf, why not draw a vampire. I know it dosent look like a vampire from either folklore or modern visions of the creature. My idea is that some vampires dont returns as corpses but as horrible bat-creatures instead. Partly inspierd by creatures found in the armeis of the Vampire Counts from Warhammer Fantasy.

I might do a vampire that fits the more folklore tone of the creauture.

Vampires of today, especially Dracula himself are porrtayed as a handsome, aristocratic stranger who appears neither to look dead or horrible. That image was created already back in "The Vampyre" by John Pollidon in 1819. Further enhanced by Bram Stoker with his novel Dracula from 1897. The real vampiers from folklore were rotting corpses who terroized their loved ones, caused mischief and death were they once lived.

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