Dino Crisis: Velociraptor

name means swift seizer
Length: 3-4 m
Height: 1,8 m
Weight: 150 kg
Diet: Carnivore
Age: Late Cretaceous,  75-71 mya
Place of discovery: Mongolia

During the third energy inccident on Ibis Island, this dinosaur was the most numerous of all the species that enterd our time. Velociraptors are fast, intelligent hunters that hunt either alone or in packs. They qucikly killed of the staff in the research facility and would make more than a match for even the bravest solider to fight.

They are pretty resilient even to shotgun shots. They will follow its prey from room to room until its killed. The agents that were tasked to find Dr.Kirk faced several of these predators. One of the agents were nearly killed by them at several occasions. They are armed with serated teeth, slasher claws on their feet. Even their tail is strong enough to break bones if a human is hit really bad. They would even play dead to lure unsuspecting prey closer to them....

Dino Crisis (C) Capcom
Art by me


from DeviantArt: Popular https://ift.tt/3bKMlIE


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