Bird-Brained Daughter

so this is Gidget, she's a character i made up a while ago. she is in kindergarten and she is just a liddle creacher

this, she cannot change

So sometime after their kids Wave Rider and Finn have grown up into young adults, Bruce and Stormy start feeling empty nest syndrome hard. Or at least, Stormy does. He misses his babies! Comparatively, Bruce doesn't not miss their children, but they do still come around often enough, and it's pretty peaceful not having to worry about styling pigtails or potty training or prom and boys or any of that nonsense. For this reason, Bruce declines Stormy's request to have another child. Let's just kick back and enjoy the golden years, eh, luv?

Bruce is well into his career as a marine biology professor. Stormy, having left professional flying, gives an earnest try at being Wonderbolts captain when RD retires, but just isn't up to the task of yelling at rookies all day. Instead, he takes on the much gentler job of being a flight instructor for children. Here, while he's out one day leading his tiny class on a Cloudsdale field trip, he notices a kid following them, with her hand up with a question....a kid who isn't in his class. Who is she? Where did she come from? Where are her parents? Why is she asking him if it's actually possible to rain cats and dogs?

Gidget is a ward of the state with a propensity for talking too much and getting into trouble. Stormy tries to get her back home, but Gidget doesn't really have one. In fact, it would seem the Equestrian court is largely indifferent to this tiny orphan griffon, because Gidget- to Stormy's absolute horror, and Gidget's cheerful admission- has been living on her own for months, sleeping on stray clouds, finding food wherever she can. 

Upon hearing all this, Bruce agrees to foster Gidget, letting her live in their home until the government can find a more suitable guardian. Privately, he has a lot of complaints about all this. Gidget is so, SO chatty and annoying, she's LOUD, she's endlessly energetic, she wakes him up from his naps and scribbles in his sketchbooks and spills juice in his study. And she has so many questions. About everything. Giraffes, flying, explosions, rainbows, cupcakes, sharks. Bruce's life now knows no peace. There is only Gidget....and the time he spends (first begrudgingly, then enthusiastically) answering her constant questions, making drawings for her to color in, laughing at Stormy's screech when Gidget nonchalantly eats a bug, showing her how to collect seashells, rounding her up for naps, reading up on proper talon care....Gidget came from a very poor upbringing, so little things like baked goods and glitter stickers are nearly incomprehensible sources of delight for her. Bruce and Stormy find themselves quite taken in showing her every new little wonder they can, spoiling her just a little, always concocting new ways to make her smile....

The foster agency does eventually contact Bruce and Stormy to retrieve Gidget and place her somewhere else, but they go nah, this our bab now k thnx

Stormy and Bruce do end up formally adopting Gidget, they are her proud and loving dads~

bonus note from :iconcolbyr: : I can see Wave Rider teasing her dads mercilessly (albeit fondly) for being one of 'those couples' who has another kid to fight off empty nest syndrome. Off to the side, though, she's taking Gidget on hilarious, high-energy, borderline-illegal-only-if-they-catch-you-Gidget-fly-FASTER-adventures that has Bruce greying even more. Finn, meanwhile, has no issues helping Stormy and Bruce out and watching Gidget while they take a rest, and styling her feathers so well that Gidget secretly prefers his pigtails over the ones that Stormy and Bruce do.

bonus bonus note from me: gidget definitely ate that snail


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