Keep your eyes open

The USS Escort and its escortships Typhoon and Hurricane are reaching a riot-infested system of the former Cardassian Union.
A stronghold of the front of dominion loyal Cardassians.
The admiral is aware that anytime an attack on the small fleet can take place,
but he relies on his ship, his crew and the abilities of all.


Star Trek Unity One - 12 Years Poster by Joran-Belar The Hyperion by Joran-Belar Admiral, we are clear to dock by Joran-Belar A sunny morning by Joran-Belar We are all Explorers by Joran-Belar I.K.C. Morak does not answer by Joran-Belar

USS Escort & Unity One by the Animaniac :iconanimaniacarts:
Defiantclass by Skye Dodds & the Animaniac
Wallpaper by T.Pick (me)


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