Zoo Tycoon Profile: Eastern Green Mamba

The Eastern Green Mamba (Dendroaspis angusticeps) is a highly venomous snake species of the mamba genus Dendroaspis native to the coastal regions of southern East Africa. Eastern green mambas inhabit tropical rainforests in coastal lowlands and it is suggested that they can also be found in coastal bush, dune and montane forest. Eastern green mambas are a bright green color from head to tail. Their venom is both neurotoxic and cardiotoxic, which means it attacks the nervous system and the muscles in the heart. That means if their venom doesn’t paralyze it, it can stop the heart beating. They prey on birds and their eggs as well as small mammals including bats. Eastern green mambas are shy creatures and tend to avoid confrontation with humans or other predators when possible, by relying on camouflage or fleeing.

Social: Eastern green mambas are solitary reptiles that are active during the day.

Size: Males; 5 feet 11 inches/ Females; 6 feet 7 inches, some can grow 8 feet 2 inches.

from DeviantArt: Popular https://ift.tt/3aakZbN


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