Those are bravery marks

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Bambi comenzó a retirarse del lugar, esperando que Gurri lo siguiera, pero, Gurri se quedó cabizbaja junto a Ronno quien observaba a Gurri. Bambi volteó a ver porqué Gurri no lo seguía. Ronno se agachó hacia Gurri y trató de animarla

Ronno: "Hey Gurri, puede que tu padre diga la verdad y actuaste imprudente, casi te matas, pero, ante mis ojos, sí demostraste una gran valentía. Hasta tu rostro es prueba de ello, ¡Sólo mirate! esas cicatrices no fueron hechas en vano, son marcas de valentía, muy parecidas a las mías. Entre machos, las mostramos orgullosos y contamos las hazañas que hicimos para obtenerlas, No lo olvides.
Tal vez tu papá no se de cuenta, pero estoy seguro de que llegarás a ser una muy valiente hembra cuando crezcas, tanto como un macho. Bambi tendrá hijos muy exitosos en un futuro"

Gurri le dio una sincera sonrisa, y caminó hacia Bambi. Bambi estaba sorprendido con las palabras de Ronno, ya que él no suele ser así de alentador ni empático con nadie, ni con sus propios hijos. Lo que no saben es que Ronno llegó a empatizar mucho con Gurri, pues le recuerda a cuando él era niño.

Detrás, entre los arbustos, observó todo Boso, el hijo de Ronno, decepcionado y triste de que su padre elogió a alguien más que ni siquiera es su hija, sobre todo, la hija de Bambi, y hermana de su rival; Geno. Boso estaba triste pues, nunca ha recibido tal apoyo de su padre.

Bambi started to leave the place, waiting for Gurri to follow him, but, Gurri remained crestfallen next to Ronno who was watching Gurri. Bambi turned to see why Gurri wasn't following him. Ronno leaned over to Gurri and tried to cheer her up.

Ronno: "Hey Gurri, maybe your father is telling the truth and you acted reckless, you almost killed yourself, but, in my eyes, you did show great courage. Even your face is proof of it, just look at you! Those scars were not made in vain, those are bravery marks, much like mine. Among males, we show them proudly and we count the feats we did to obtain them, do not forget it.
Maybe your dad doesn't realize it, but I'm sure you will become a very brave female when you grow up, just as much as a male. Bambi will have very successful children in the future"

Gurri gave him a sincere smile, and walked over to Bambi. Bambi was surprised by Ronno's words, since he is not usually that encouraging or empathetic with anyone, not with his own children. What they don't know is that Ronno came to empathize with Gurri a lot, because he reminds him of when he was a child.

Behind, between the bushes, Boso, Ronno's son, observed all, disappointed and sad that his father praised someone else who is not even his daughter, especially, Bambi's daughter, and sister of his rival; Geno. Boso was sad because he has never received such support from his father.

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