Zoo Tycoon Profile: Impala

The Impala (Aepyceros melampus) is a medium-sized antelope found in eastern and southern Africa. This medium-sized antelope possesses thin, pointed horns with tips, lying far apart from each other. Males of this species are identified by the characteristic "S"-like horns. The elegant limbs of these animals have scent glands behind the ankles. The overall coloration of their fur is red-brown with paler sides. In addition, they have black and white colored areas on their body. Thus, the tail, belly, chin, lips, inside ears as well as the lines above the eyes are colored with white. Meanwhile, black bands cover their thighs, tail, forehead and ear tips. They prefer woodland with little undergrowth as well as low to medium height grassland.

Diet and Nutrition: Impalas are herbivores (folivores). As grazers, these antelopes consume grass, while as browsers, they feed upon wide variety vegetation, including fruits, seedpods, shoots as well as leaves of trees and bushes.

Social: The territorial males hold territories where they may form harems of females. Bachelor herds tend to be small, with less than 30 members.

Size: 51 inches in length. Males are 30 to 36 inches at the shoulder and weigh 117 to 168 lbs./ Females are 28–33 inches at shoulder height and weigh 88 to 117 lbs.

from DeviantArt: Popular https://ift.tt/2KDq4yU


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